Case Studies.

Elva is active in a number of countries worldwide. Explore some of our projects below.

Security Risk Monitoring in West Africa


PATRIP Foundation

Elva is undertaking a risk assessment and monitoring project to understand the security risks posed to PATRIP Foundation's extensive project portfolio in Burkina Faso, Mali, Niger, Côte d’Ivoire, Togo and Benin. The risk assessment is informed by rigorous primary data collection in nearly 60 locations across the 6 countries.

Sensitization of At-Risk Groups in Benin


Over the course of six months, Elva worked across Benin's Atakora department to first better understand, and later to sensitize groups at-risk of influence and recruitment from violent extremist organizations (VEO), to equip them with tools to understand, identify and respond to VEO influence and activities.

Tracking Violent Extremism Spillover in Littoral West Africa


Violent extremism in West Africa, which previously was largely contained to the countries of the Sahel and Nigeria, has been increasingly spilling over into the Littoral states - Côte d'Ivoire, Ghana, Togo and Benin.

To map out and understand this phenomenon, Elva carried out primary data collection in more than 300 border communities in six countries of the Sahel and Littoral West Africa. Through this we were able to inform our partners' policy and programmatic responses to build resilience of border communities and counter the threats posed by violent extremist movements.

Read more about the outcomes of this project here.

Camp Forecast in the Lake Chad Basin


Elva worked together with the International Organization for Migration (IOM) and Notilyze on developing Camp Forecast, a data management and forecasting prototype for IOM camp and information management field staff in the Lake Chad Basin.

This project was carried out with funding from the Humanitarian Grand Challenges, supported by Grand Challenges Canada, USAID, UK Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office and the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Fostering community resilience in the Lake Chad Basin


In recent years, the Lake Chad Basin has witnessed an increase in violent extremist activity, where actors such as Boko Haram continue to destabilize the already fragile security situations in Niger, Cameroon, Chad, and Nigeria.

We supported USAID and IOM with data collection, analysis, and mapping of community-level risk and resilience factors. We enabled our partners to implement targeted strategies to contain the spread of extremism and strengthen community resilience in the region.

Mapping violence and peace-building efforts in Syria


As a part of the London School of Economics (LSE) Security in Transition program, Elva applied available data to enable organizations to target their resources as precisely as possible.

Mapping instances of violence as well as ceasefires and peace talks, we collaborated with LSE to create a database and visualize the developments of the Syrian civil war. By making use of our in-house technology package, we gathered data from individuals on the ground who reported events as they occurred. This way, we were able to learn about important events as soon as they happened.

To find out more about our data visualization technologies, contact us.

Mapping Youth Aspirations in Burundi


CENAP, Build Up

CENAP (Centre d’Alerte et de Prévention des Conflits) is currently conducting a mixed method participatory action research process on Burundian youth’s vision for their country’s future.

They are using the Elva platform to visualize the results from a survey with both qualitative (focus groups) discussions and quantitative (survey) data to support dialogue processes in Burundi.

The aim of the platform is to enable key stakeholders to interactively analyse/visualise the quantitative data during workshops, where this analysis can serve as a basis for multi-stakeholder dialogue.

Strengthening community safety in Eastern Ukraine


UNDP Ukraine, the Institute for Peace and Common Ground (IPCG), Foundation 101

Communities along the contact line in Eastern Ukraine are facing a broad range of human security needs and challenges on an everyday basis.

In cooperation with UNDP, IPCG and Foundation 101 Elva is creating a platform showing regularly updated community-driven information about local security needs.

The project team will work together with local communities, local authorities, international organizations and other security providers to jointly analyse and address reported safety issues.

Activity Mapping in Abkhazia



In humanitarian operations there are usually many organizations working to provide assistence at the same time. There are rarely any quick overviews to see who does what.

UNDP Georgia wanted to map the activities of humanitarian organizations in Abkhazia.

The Elva platform allowed them to do so quickly and cost-effectively.

Libya Social Peace Survey


Peaceful Change initiative (PCI)

PCI's Social Peace Index captures results of an ongoing survey of social peace in Libya since September 2014.

The Index provides an overview of local needs and perceptions of different populations groups throughout Libya.

The platform allows PCI to advocate local needs and policy recommendations with relevant stakeholders in and outside Libya.

It is part of an initiative to empower community leaders to monitor and manage conflict tensions during the political transition.

A Crisis Map for the Central African Republic


RJDH-Centrafrique, Internews

In August 2014 Internews asked us to develop Crisis Map in response to rising conflict in the Central African Republic.

The map contains reports by local journalists and humanitarian service providers  across the country.

As noted by ReliefWeb, it "allows the humanitarian community to display the information they need quickly and easily directly on the map".

The crisis in CAR is far from over. If you would like to support the further development of this platform, please don't hesitate to get in touch.

Community Safety Network in Georgia


UNDP Georgia, Saferworld

Four years after the 2008 war between Georgia and Russia, people close to the dividing line with South Ossestia were still sufffering from the consequences on a daily basis.

The Community Safety Network enabled citizens to  share information on security developments with local security providers.

Along with security alerts, we circulated weather forecasts, agriculture news and other announcements.

The Network  reported over a thousand security incidents annually and helped addres dozens of emergency situations through early warning and response.